Our medical centre is here to provide quality service, based on developing mutual trust with the patients. The key in achieving mutual trust is to be able to visit the practice and consult with the doctor, discuss any health concerns. Clinical examination is our main tool that can lead to a safe diagnosis in approximately 80% of the cases. Afterwards, the treatment plan is discussed and we focus on making a joint decision, where the patient knows the pros and cons.

So feel free to choose our doctors, if you are willing to develop a trusting relationship with them, knowing that we will make it possible to be there for you and make you feel safe, while entrusting your health in our hands!

Every doctor that is contracted with the HIO (Health Insurance organism) is obliged to respect its regulations. The rules and regulations are there to make sure that an organised healthcare system will be able to provide to its beneficiaries  quality and efficient care. In addition, the treating physicians have the moral obligation to protect the health of their patients, guide them in the healthcare system and protect it, so that it will be able to cover all our real healthcare needs. Unfortunately there are  many doctors whose  only concern is  to gain more and more money, with less effort. This kind of doctor tend to let their secretaries, handle your healthcare issues by issuing phone referrals. The problem is that the majority of the staff have no medical experience. They just ask questions about your condition, you answer them, you set the diagnosis and you ask for the referral. And if you are right then you are lucky, but what happens if you are mistaken? Who is going to find the proper solution for your problem? The secretary or the doctor that did not bother to examine or even talk to you?

We are here to listen to your problem, examine and find the proper solution! We are here to create a trusting relationship! We are here to provide good care and support!

The doctors work is pretty complex. We have to be able to ask the proper questions, evaluate the answers, develop clinical skills, stay up to date with our knowledge and in the end deliver the most appropriate treatment plan. In order to perform all those actions, we go through hard training, that usually lasts between 10-12 years. This kind of training, long hours of studying,  working overtime and many many sleepless nights, provide us with the tools to be able to assess what we hear and see, and decide the proper course of action, in the short time of your visit. Hard work and uncountable hours, is the only way to achieve a proper professional, knowledge and skills level. Unfortunately there is no way around it!


Our time is very precious, to be wasted in endless, meaningless conversations. We  doctors, must follow the moral and the state laws. Asking us to act illegally or out of the box is something that we can not provide! We can only provide our help, after evaluating your problem! Only then we can offer the proper help and the right treatment !

Our medical centre offers a variety of medical services

  • Preventive Medicine – Family Health support
  • Treatment and follow up for acute and chronic diseases such as:
    • Cardiology (High Blood pressure, basic cardiology follow up)
    • Lipid disorder ( High cholesterol, triglycerides, etc)
    • Endocrinology (Diabetes type I & II, Hypothyroidism follow up)
    • Respiratory diseases [ COPD, Asthma, Upper respiratory tract & ​Pulmonary Infections]
    • Bone health – Osteoporosis
    • Neurologic conditions (Mild Depression, Alzheimer disease etc)
    • Urine tract diseases (cystitis, urine tract infections, kidney infections, enlarged prostate)
    • Eye cases ( Eye infections, foreign body removal, vision assessment etc)
    • ENT cases ( Ear & sinus infections, Upper resp. tract inf. Allerghic rhinitis, Cerumen removal)
    • Minor surgical interventions (wound suturing etc)
    • Orthopaedic conditions assessment and treatment
    • Dermatology conditions follow up ( Skin infections, eczema, herpes zoster, common acne etc)

The doctors of our medical centre are here to cover your needs from 9:00 until 13:30 and from 14:00 until 19:00. Our work is based on a rotational schedule, allowing us to provide care for more patients through the day. That way we can offer an appointment to the patients that need urgent care. Of course the way to do it, is after triaging the health issue and deciding whether its urgent or not!

Booking an appointment saves time for the patient and for the personnel of the medical centre as well. The waiting room is not crowded and the work has better flow. The doctors are informed on the basic reasons of your visit. That way we can organize our time better and achieve higher productivity! So booking an appointment is a MUST !

Referral to the specialists means that we did not find a solution to your problem or that we do not know how to resolve it. Our obligation is to try and find all the right answers. Our obligation is to try and provide proper treatment. If your problem is not one, that we can handle, or our treatment did not show the expected results, then we must refer for further evaluation! Still the number of the referrals should not be very high, as we can cover a very wide range of healthcare issues!

Laboratory testing is a doctors tool. It makes possible for us, to investigate your health issues and reach the right diagnosis. The preventive value of the annual check up is not very useful to healthy people. In some cases the various results can cause more stress than provide peace of mind, as they can differentiate from the normal values! That is why its better for the doctor to decide what is really necessary and can represent a helpful feedback!

In order for us to provide the best possible care, trust is an absolute must. We  do not demand it, but we are here to build a trusting relationship and prove ourselves!